Welcome to my site. Thanks so much for stopping by ...Well, here is a little bit about myself. I am a self-taught photographer born in Tampa, Florida where I spent my early childhood.
I moved to Maryland in my teens and have lived there ever since. Being a former Floridian truly made an impact on my photography as I prefer to photograph tropical locations. I love the peaceful happy feeling people get when they are on vacation and I love bright and saturated colors. It brings a smile to my face and also to the people around me...but I also love the other side of black and white as well.

Florida has always held a special place in my heart and I have been fortunate to have purchased a home in the Palm Coast area.  I am now spending time in both Maryland and Florida. 

From photographing a crack in a concrete floor, a run-down crumbing building or a beautiful beach scene I find interest in everything. I always say “There is beauty in everything if you take the time to look”. I am fascinated by people and various cultures and like to go off the beaten path to find the perfect shot. “People are quite interesting and everyone has a story”.

The other joy in my life is my grandchildren. I have included some of their photographs on this site. I hope you enjoy them.

“Life may not be the party we hoped for
but while we’re here we should dance”
I want to capture that dance.
I am a member of “Arts by the Bay” Gallery in Havre de Grace, Maryland, where my work is currently on exhibit. I am also the Marketing and Public Relations Chair for the gallery.
I have appeared on Baltimore’s WBAL-TV in promotion of Arts by the Bay Gallery also showcasing my photograph “Pink Bling” that was taken at The Grand Guesthouse in Key West, Florida along with my photograph “Little Red Rooster” also taken in Key West.
My photograph “Dixie Chicken” was published in the Bulle Rock newspaper.
My work can be found in private collections from Boca Raton, Florida
to Mount Hawthorn, WA - Australia.

Check out my other web-sites:


Please Follow me on Facebook - Debbi Granruth Photography
and on Twitter - @rocksnosalt
Thanks so much for stopping by....

All photographs appearing in this Web Site are the exclusive property of Debbi Granruth and are protected under United States and International Copyright laws.
The photographs may NOT be downloaded, reproduced, copied, stored, manipulated, projected, used or altered in ANY way, including without limitation any digitalization or synthesizing of the images, alone or with any other material, by use of computer or other electronic means or any other method or means now or hereafter known, without the written permission of Debbi Granruth and payment of a fee or arrangement.